It started with a no. 6 Griswold. My wife and I had been
married for about 5 years and the Teflon on the pans we received as wedding
gifts had started to flake off. The search for a better alternative to aluminum
pans led me to discover cast iron. A little more research showed that the
vintage pans were much higher quality than modern versions. I picked up the No.
6 Griswold on Ebay and begun my cast iron journey.
After a short learning curve all the Teflon skillets were
removed from the kitchen. They simply weren’t useful anymore. There wasn’t any
task where I was inclined to reach for the warped and flaking aluminum pans.
As a lifelong maker of things, it didn’t take long before I
started thinking about how to make a better skillet. This ended up being far
more complicated than I had ever imagined. Its taken us years of to get our
cookware to the level of quality that we have now - and its been completely
worth it. As the supply of quality vintage skillets goes down, I am very happy
to say we have created a fantastic replacement for the next generations.
-Eric, Owner & Founder